AAP STATSHOT:  AAP StatShot is the industry's comprehensive statistical analysis of how content is produced and sold through the eyes of publishers. This monthly report is considered by publishers, Wall Street, and the media to be the definitive resource for accurately sizing the industry and its current footprint.  AAP offers two StatShot surveys: a monthly overview capturing year-to-date numbers and a richer annual report with historical tracking. More
To participate, contact ECPA.
INDUSTRY BENCHMARK SURVEYS:  ECPA benchmark reports are developed, administered, and compiled by third party vendors who survey our members.  Participating companies are eligible to purchase the final report. More
To be notified of our next benchmark survey, contact ECPA.
MARKET RESEARCH REPORTS:  The ECPA Research Committee commissions consumer surveys based on the market needs of ECPA members. To be notified of our next consumer survey, contact ECPA.

Available for purchase now:  The Christian Publishers Audience Survey 2023

ECPA PUBLICATIONS & PROGRAM NEWS:  ECPA provides a variety of free publications meant to inform its members of the latest industry news, member programs, and expert legal updates. Subscribe in your member profile to Rush to Press, E-Link, Legal Updates, and all the programs that inform your role in publishing. For advertising opportunities, contact ECPA.

Evangelical Christian Publishers Association               
Phone: 480.966.3998

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